Client Story: Ederson at Amico


About This Episode

In this Limelight episode, Amico, a Canadian company known for producing cutting-edge healthcare products, takes center stage. Ederson Cardoso, an AutoCAD Technician and product engineer for the company, shares his realization about the possibility of incorporating intelligence into their products. He explains how this realization allowed him to not just create drawings, but to seamlessly connect the drawings, the model, and the production process.

About Amico

Amico was incorporated in 1981 to manufacture Industrial equipment for the construction industry. Within 5 years, the company began a transition to manufacturing Medical products for the Health Care Industry. In 1991, Amico discontinued its Industrial business to focus entirely on manufacturing medical products for the Patient Rooms and the Emergency Rooms in a Hospital. By 2023, the company had grown significantly due to the needs of an aging population and the pressures imposed by the COVID pandemic. Today Amico manufactures a very broad range of hospital products within a campus of 8 buildings occupying 700,000 square feet.

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